Coherence w/ James Ward Byrkit
Experience the mind-bending sci-fi thriller Coherence like never before—on the big screen at Plaza Theatre, followed by an exclusive Q&A with director James Ward Byrkit, hosted by Jenna Kanell (Terrifier, Renfield, Bad Boys).
This cult favorite explores parallel realities, quantum physics, and the chaos of fate—all crafted with ingenious indie filmmaking. Plus, with exciting giveaways and a chance to connect with Atlanta’s film community, this is going to be an inspiring, nerdy, and unforgettable night!Thriller, Science FictionPT1H29MNR2025-03-26Emily Baldoni
Maury Sterling
Nicholas Brendon
James Ward Byrkit
Lene Bausager
Coherence w/ James Ward Byrkit"Coherence w/ James Ward Byrkit"Showtimes