Forbidden Letters

“What Bressan has given us is what we’ve wanted to see for so long, something neither Hollywood...nor the specifically gay (which is to say porno) movie producers have given us: the gay love fantasy.” – The Advocate Shot in the midst of the gay community’s fight against Anita Bryant’s "Save Our Children" campaign, this critically acclaimed feature from Arthur J. Bressan, Jr. (GAY U.S.A., BUDDIES) is a touching look at memory, fantasy, and the psychological tolls of the closet. Larry, a young gay man, is trying to pass the time on the day his older lover Richard is set to be released from prison. Unable to clear his head through casual sex, he reads through his letters to Richard — letters he knew he could never send out of fear that an outing would lead to a harsher sentence. As Richard’s release draws nearer, will the spark still be there when he gets out? Long unseen since its '79 release, this landmark film is finally available uncut in a new restoration by The Bressan Project.Drama, Romance, EroticaPT1H16MNC-172025-06-21
Richard Locke
Robert Adams
Victoria Young
Arthur J. Bressan
Arthur J. Bressan
Forbidden Letters"Forbidden Letters"CLASSICSOFEROTICA


June 21, 9:00 pm

Plaza Theatre